When to Add a Maximize Conversions Bidding Strategy in Google Ads

When to Add a Maximize Conversions Bidding Strategy in Google Ads

bidding strategies maximize conversions Jul 24, 2024

One of the most impactful changes you can make to your Google Ads account is implementing a maximize conversions or maximize conversion value bidding strategy. When executed correctly, these strategies can dramatically increase your total profit and revenue. However, if not used appropriately, they can result in significantly higher cost-per-click (CPC) and decreased total revenue and conversions.

In this blog post, I’ll explain when to add a maximize conversions bidding strategy and provide five essential guidelines to follow BEFORE applying this strategy to your Google Ads campaigns.


What Is a Maximize Conversions Bidding Strategy?

Before diving in, let’s clarify: "maximize conversions" refers to both maximize conversions and maximize conversion value bidding strategies within Google Ads.


Avoid Rushing the Decision

One of the biggest mistakes is implementing a maximize conversions strategy too early. New Google Ads users are often encouraged by the dashboard and Google reps to switch to this strategy almost immediately, which can lead to poor results.

For context, I typically wait at least six months before adding a maximize conversions or maximize conversion value bidding strategy. These strategies rely on conversion data to allocate budget to traffic most likely to convert. Without sufficient conversion data, Google may spend your budget inefficiently.

If you're unsure, wait and review your data next month before making this change.

👉🏻 Want to master Google Ads? Avoid extremes to success!


Analyze Data Trends Over the Last 90, 60, and 30 Days

The ideal time to add a maximize conversions strategy is when your campaign’s performance shows stability. Assess your conversion data over the past 90, 60, and 30 days:

  • Monthly Conversion Stability: Look for stable monthly conversions within 20%. For example, if you see 60, 80, and then 120 conversions over three months, your campaign is still growing. Wait until you see stable numbers like 70, 80, and 77 conversions before adding this strategy.
  • Minimum Conversion Volume: Ensure you have at least 30 conversions per month. This volume provides a solid foundation for the strategy to optimize effectively.



Set Targets Based on Actual Results, Not Aspirations

When implementing a maximize conversions strategy, you may also introduce target CPA (tCPA) or target ROAS (tROAS) goals. Initially, avoid setting these goals. If you already have a maximize conversions strategy and want to add tROAS or tCPA, base your goals on current real results, not future aspirations.

For instance, if your current cost per conversion is $50 and you aim for $30, setting a tCPA at $30 will likely reduce your total spend and revenue. Instead, follow these steps:

  1. Start with a tCPA of $55 - $60 (10 - 20% above current results).
  2. Once you see four weeks of cost per conversion between $40 - $50, adjust the tCPA to $50.
  3. Continue adjusting your CPA goal 10-20% above recent results until you reach your target.


Set and Stick to Your Strategy

It’s crucial not to change your maximize conversions strategy for at least four weeks. Be prepared for initial fluctuations in results:

  • Monitor CPC and Conversions: Don’t panic if CPC increases; focus on conversion metrics instead.
  • Understand Budget Calculations: Google’s budget is calculated monthly. Google may hold back spend to optimize for better results later in the month or focus on traffic that takes longer to convert.


Avoid Simultaneous Budget and Bidding Changes

Increasing your budget boosts volume, while adjusting bidding improves profitability. It’s challenging to manage both simultaneously, so avoid making these changes at the same time.



Implementing a maximize conversions bidding strategy can significantly enhance your Google Ads campaigns if done correctly. By adhering to these guidelines, you can optimize your campaigns effectively and avoid potential pitfalls.