The 5 Best Google Ads Extensions To Use
Jun 27, 2022Adding Ad extensions are an essential part of any Google Ads campaign, because remember with Google Ads winning an auction is not purely based on who has the biggest budget as Google also ranks ads on their relevance and CTR with CTR being the most important factor.
The reason for why adding Ad Extensions is so important is because it one of the core ways you can increase your CTR.
Now Google won’t come out and say this but - CTR is the most important factor when it comes to ranking any ads in an auction.
And the reason for this is because Google only gets paid when someone clicks your ad. Unlike other advertising channels where people talk about visibility and impressions for Google Ads it is all about clicks.
So if you can increase your CTR to be higher than you competitors you are giving Google the best reason to show your ads over your competitors.
Think of it this way if your ads have a 10% CTR and you are prepared to pay $2 per click Google earns $20 per 100 searches.
Vs a competitor who may be willing to pay $5 per click but if they have a CTR of 2% Google only earns $10 per 100 searches.
So even though your competitor is willing to pay more than double per click Google will show your ads because they earn more money by showing your ads because they are 5x more likely to be clicked on!
Now that you know why Ad extensions are so important in this video I want to give you the top 5 ad extensions you need to be using and I will also rank them in order of importance.
Currently there are 13 different Ad extensions that you can use in your Google Ads campaign BUT they are all not as important as each other I have ranked my top 5 extensions by judging them on the core factors of:
- Visibility: so by adding the extension will it increase the visibility of your ad
- Emotional Trigger: does the extension allow you to create an emotional trigger especially Fear of missing out
- Usability: does the extension add to the searchers usability and help them find what they are looking for