Setting Up Performance Max Campaigns For Service Based Businesses

Setting Up Performance Max Campaigns For Service Based Businesses

campaign set up google ads performance max performance max set up guide Jul 10, 2024

In today's fast-paced digital marketing landscape, staying ahead means using powerful tools like Google Ads' Performance Max campaigns. If you're not sure what a Performance Max campaign is, you can check out this blog post.

These campaigns are all about boosting conversions by targeting high-potential audiences, perfect for service-based businesses, online coaches, and SaaS companies.

If you're excited to dive into this tech for your service-based business but need a starting point, here’s a detailed guide just for you.


Understanding Performance Max Campaigns

Performance Max campaigns are not just about reaching any audience—they're about reaching the right audience efficiently. By leveraging your best-converting data, these campaigns identify and target similar audiences, amplifying your conversion potential. However, it's crucial to note that while powerful, Performance Max isn't a one-size-fits-all solution from day one.


Preparing Your Foundation

Before diving into Performance Max, ensure your groundwork is solid:

  • Establish Your Conversions: Start with Search campaigns to identify high-converting search terms, effective ad copies, and optimized landing pages.
  • Wait for Data: Initiate Performance Max once you consistently achieve at least 30 conversions monthly. This ensures your campaign starts with a robust data set.


Setting Up Your Performance Max Campaign

Let's break down the setup process:

1. Building Asset Groups

  • Organize asset groups around service categories and relevant keyword themes. Unlike traditional ad groups, asset groups in Performance Max should closely align with your business’s offerings and targeted audiences.

2. Campaign Creation

  • Begin by selecting "New Campaign" in Google Ads and opt for "Leads" as your campaign objective.

3. Conversion Actions

  • Select specific conversion actions aligned with your business goals, such as sign-ups or inquiries.

4. Campaign Type

  • Choose "Performance Max" to allow Google’s advanced algorithms to maximize conversions.

5. Bidding Strategy

  • Opt for "Maximize Conversions" to let Google automatically adjust bids to get the most conversions within your budget. Avoid setting a target CPA initially for flexibility in bid adjustments.

6. Targeting New Customers

  • Enable "Only bid for new customers" to focus on expanding your customer base. This complements existing Search and Shopping campaigns, which handle high-intent users.

7. Location and Exclusions

  • Define target locations and consider adding your brand name to the exclusion list to allocate budget away from branded searches.

8. URL Exclusions

  • Exclude specific URLs for product categories or pages not included in this campaign.

9. Ad Creation

  • Utilize high-performing ad copies and images from previous campaigns to maintain consistency and effectiveness.

10. Adding Search Themes & Audiences

  • Incorporate best-performing search themes and relevant audiences to optimize campaign targeting.

11. Budget Setting

  • Set your budget based on campaign goals and ensure alignment with overall digital marketing strategy.

12. Launch and Monitor

  • Publish your campaign and closely monitor performance. Adjust settings based on real-time data and insights.



If you're looking to take your Google Ads campaigns to the next level, explore my full courses on mastering Performance Max.




Performance Max campaigns offer a powerful way to scale your business by leveraging Google’s advanced AI technology.

By following these steps and adapting them to your specific business needs, you can maximize the potential of Performance Max to drive significant growth in conversions and expand your customer base effectively.


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