Google Ads Bidding Strategy

Choosing the Right Bidding Strategy for Your Google Ads Campaigns: Max Clicks, Max Conversions, or Max CPC

google ads bidding strategies google ads strategy google ads structure May 22, 2024

When starting a new Google Ads search or shopping campaign, one of the first decisions you'll need to make is choosing the right bidding strategy. The three main options are Max Clicks, Max CPC, and Max Conversions. In this post, I'll walk you through which strategy I typically start with and why.

Starting with Max Clicks: The Data-Driven Approach

From the outset, I generally begin with a Max Clicks strategy. The reason is simple: my ultimate goal is to transition to an automated bidding strategy, such as Max Conversions. By starting with Max Clicks, I can gather a significant amount of data quickly and at a lower cost. This data is crucial for identifying key performance metrics like:

  • The best-performing keywords
  • The best-converting ad copies
  • The best-converting landing pages

By maximizing clicks initially, you collect more data, faster, allowing you to fine-tune your campaign more effectively. This approach helps you identify what works and what doesn’t, laying a solid foundation for future optimization.

Why Not Start with Max CPC?

While I don’t typically start with a Max CPC strategy, there are specific scenarios where it is beneficial. For instance, in high CPC niches such as legal services, where the cost per click can range from $15 to $150, setting a Max CPC helps control costs. In such cases, I might set a Max CPC of $25 combined with exact match targeting for keywords within that budget range. This ensures that the campaign remains cost-effective while still targeting valuable clicks.

When to Use Target Impression Share

Another strategy that I reserve for special circumstances is Target Impression Share. This is particularly useful for branded or competitor campaigns. The goal in these campaigns is visibility rather than direct conversions. By ensuring your ads appear prominently, you can defend your brand or aggressively target competitor keywords.

Transitioning to Automated Bidding: Key Considerations

The ultimate aim is to move to an automated bidding strategy like Max Conversions or Max Conversion Value. However, before making this significant optimization, it's crucial to adhere to some golden rules:

  1. If You Are Unsure, Wait: Rushing into automated bidding can be detrimental if you don’t have enough conversion data. Patience is key.
  2. Change Bidding Strategies Every 60 Days: In most cases, waiting 90 days or more is even better. This allows sufficient time for the previous strategy to yield actionable insights.
  3. Expect Initial Declines: It’s common for results to worsen for 1-2 weeks before improving. This adjustment period is a normal part of the transition to automated bidding.
  4. Focus on Conversion Metrics, Not CPC: When you switch to an automated strategy, your CPC may increase as Google optimizes for conversions. Don’t be alarmed—focus on your conversion metrics instead.

Real-World Examples and Further Learning

To illustrate these points, I want to show you some examples from actual campaigns that are either ready or not ready for an automated bidding strategy. These examples come from an extended masterclass on bidding strategies available in my 10x Google Ads community. This community is the best place to stay up-to-date with Google Ads. Each month, I run:

  • Live group coaching sessions where I review accounts and answer any Google Ads questions.
  • Extended masterclasses with advanced teaching not available on YouTube.
  • Access to a private feed with over 350 members where you can ask any questions about your Google Ads campaign.


Choosing the right bidding strategy is crucial for the success of your Google Ads campaigns. Starting with Max Clicks helps gather essential data quickly, allowing for a more informed transition to automated strategies like Max Conversions. While Max CPC and Target Impression Share have their place, they are best used in specific scenarios. Remember, patience and strategic planning are key to achieving the best results with Google Ads.

👉 Mastering Google Ads: A Blueprint for the First 90 Days