Google Ads Merchant Centre

Setting Up Promotions in Google Merchant Centre: A Guide to Boosting Your Google Ads Campaigns

google ads google ads strategy May 15, 2024

Setting up a promotion in Google Merchant Centre is one of the fastest ways to increase the visibility of your shopping network ads in your Shopping and Performance Max campaigns. In this article, I’ll guide you through a screenshare of how to set up promotions in Merchant Centre for your Google Ads campaigns.

Before You Start: Best Practices for Using Promotions in Google Ads

Before we dive into the step-by-step process, it's crucial to understand the best ways to use promotions in Google Ads. Running promotions incorrectly can lead to a rapid devaluation of your brand and harm its long-term viability.

Avoid the "Race to the Bottom"

One of the worst cases I've seen involved a brand that ran a 70% store-wide sale after having monthly sales of 30-50% off for the previous year. When we came on board after the 70% sale, it took nearly a year to retrain their audience that another large sale wasn't coming up soon. This scenario highlights the importance of maintaining a balance between attracting new customers and retaining loyal ones without constantly slashing prices.

Effective Promotion Strategies

Here are three different strategies you can use to make the most of promotions:

1. Product Category-Based Promotions

Instead of running store-wide promotions, focus on specific product categories. This allows you to maintain monthly promotions without discounting your entire inventory. You can target products that are going out of season, for example:

- A summer sale at the end of summer
- A winter sale at the end of winter

This approach helps clear out old inventory while keeping your brand value intact.

2. Bundles or Multiple Product Sales

Increase your average order value (AOV) by offering discounts to customers who spend over a certain amount. For example, if your store has an AOV of $70, offer a discount for purchases over $100. This can be achieved through:

- Bundles
- Buy 2, get the 3rd one at a discount

This strategy encourages larger purchases without heavily discounting individual items.

3. Promotions on High Return Purchase Products

If you have products that require regular parts or subscriptions, run promotions for the initial purchase. For instance, if you sell fitness trackers that need regular band replacements, offer a discount on the initial purchase. This not only attracts new customers but also sets up ongoing sales for necessary accessories.

Setting Up Promotions in Google Merchant Centre: Step-by-Step

Now, let's get into the screenshare of how to set up a promotion in Google Merchant Centre. Follow these steps to get started:

1. Log into Google Merchant Centre: Navigate to your account dashboard.
2. Access Promotions: On the left-hand menu, select “Marketing” and then “Promotions.”
3. Create a New Promotion: Click on the plus icon (+) to start a new promotion.
4. Fill in Promotion Details: Enter all relevant details such as the promotion type (e.g., discount, free shipping), promotion title, and applicable products.
5. Set Promotion Dates: Choose the start and end dates for your promotion. Make sure the duration aligns with your marketing strategy.
6. Add Promotion ID: Create a unique promotion ID that you can use to track the performance of this promotion.
7. Review and Submit: Double-check all the information you've entered. Once everything is correct, submit the promotion for review.

Final Thoughts

Using promotions effectively in Google Merchant Centre can significantly boost the visibility and performance of your ads. By following best practices and strategically planning your promotions, you can attract new customers without devaluing your brand. Remember, the goal is to find a balance that rewards both new and loyal customers while maintaining your brand’s value.

Stay tuned for more tips and strategies on maximizing your Google Ads campaigns. Happy promoting!

👉 The Key to Profitable Google Ads Campaigns: Strategy Over Secrets