Getting Google Ads Clients
Jul 18, 2022Just Get a free Google Ads certification, get some clients and start watching all the money roll into your bank account.
If ONLY it was that easy!
I have been managing Google Ads accounts since 2010 and have been a successful Google Ads freelancer since 2015 so I have been around long enough to hear all the different get rich quick strategies and formulas that you need to use in order to achieve your dream of earning a 6 figure income each year from Google Ads.
And while I am living proof that this is definitely possible and that it does offer you a fantastic work life balance I do want to give you a reality check that it does take time and some hard work.
One of my favourite quotes is that: “People over estimate what they can achieve in a year but under estimate what they can achieve in 10 years”
And as I look back over the last 10 years of working for myself this quote is so true! As at the start of this journey I was just happy for 1 successful business but in the last 10 years I have been able to create 3 seperate profitable businesses.
So in this video I want to share my 3 most successful ways that I have got new clients and then also take you through the strategy that I would use to get Google Ads clients if I was starting from scratch today.
Over the years I have got the majority my clients through:
- Direct Marketing: this included everything from cold calling, to attending my local business network groups, referrals, online advertising, sending video reviews.
- Freelancer Sites: personally I found Upwork to be the most successful for me but there any many that you could try here including Upwork, Freelancer or Fiverr
- White Labelling for Digital Agencies: where I entered into partnership with Digital Agencies to manage the Google Ads campaigns for their clients
Here are the pros & cons for each of these options:
Now as promised if I was starting out today I would focus on:
- White Labelling for Digital Agencies first: The reason for why I would prioritise this as my first step is that you can very quickly earn a good income by consulting to 1-2 different digital agencies - especially after you have got some good results with some initial accounts.
- Because the usual process is that they will test you with some lower level clients and when you prove that you know what you are doing and get great results for their clients they will very quickly start to give you more & more clients because you have shown that you can optimize Google Ads campaigns. And I found that within the first 6 months I was turning back the amount of clients that I wanted from agencies.
- But the main reason for why I would focus on Agencies first is because this will be the quickest way that you will be able to work on some large well known brands.
There is a saying among large companies that you never “get fired for hiring IBM” and what this means is that large companies will hire other large companies because its just less risky. Even if they know they would probably get better service and results from a freelancer or smaller agency - if it does not work out the person who made the decision to hire you would be a lot more trouble as opposed to hiring a large company.
- Freelancer sites: I would focus on this second because this really helps you to craft your presentation skills and work out the best way to sell your services, plus you can start to test what people are willing to pay for you at your stage of your development and knowledge with Google Ads
- And then finally this is when I would start with direct marketing: the reason for why I leave until last is because after you have worked with some digital agencies and freelancers for 2-3 years you are going to be a lot more confident in your skills with Google Ads, plus you would have already learnt from some mistakes that you have made - and the worst thing possible would be for you to spend some much time getting your first client only to loose them just as fast due to making a silly mistake with your Google Ads campaign management.